Reconstruction of the boiler room of St. Ursula Elementary School in Bratislava, Slovakia

We need
92 294

Will we be able to use the heating?

Our dear friends,

Our St. Ursula Elementary School in Bratislava has followed up on a rich history of Ursuline education present in Bratislava since 1676. After a forced 40 year long break during the times of communism, it opened its gates again in 1990. The Merician pedagogy, followed by our school and based on the principles of integral development of personality with fixation on service, is still highly relevant today. During its history it has faced many obstacles. The kindergarten has been a part of it since 2003. In 2019 it united with the high school and so became the establishment of The United School of St. Ursula. It relentlessly fulfills its mission and with high quality education it prepares children and pupils, who know their talents and want to serve through them, for life.

However, today it is facing a challenge financially bigger than what it can carry. The old boiler room, which served us many years and kept the warmth in our school during cold winter months, is simply worn out. It needs a thorough reconstruction. The company in charge of it and thanks to which we are able to heat has identified the following requirements:

· urgently new and effective condensing boiler

· change of old and inoperable valves

· enhancement of energy efficiency

· operating cost reduction through thermoregulation

Budget 92 294,00€. An unthinkable amount and winter is coming. We are standing before a serious situation and we know that without your finacial help we will not be able to make it.

Will you help us?

We thank you in advance.

Sr. Mária-Rita, Provincial Prioress, Province of Slovakia

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